PIGEONHOLED : assign to a particular category or class, especially in a manner that is too rigid or exclusive.
Syn. categorize, label, brand, postpone, delay, suspend

PIGEONHOLED : assign to a particular category or class, especially in a manner that is too rigid or exclusive.
Syn. categorize, label, brand, postpone, delay, suspend
PIGEONHOLED is a multimedia project that includes paintings, audio recordings, writing installations, and video. I am working with black men with felonies. I’m painting their portraits in response to interviews I have with them. The conversations focus on how their lives changed upon being released from prison. Their portraits attempt to convey their story and, hopefully, create important dialogue surrounding the criminal justice system. Audio and video installations are also a part of the process to create a powerful, felt-experience for the viewer.
This is a work in progress and would love feedback. For more of my work, please check out www.aipatterson.com/pigeonholed
You can also find me on Instagram @signedbyap